Saturday, June 29, 2013

I found something that has actually helped my insomnia

Updated July 8, 2015: Please read this, but please also read the updated post found here.

It's not Fisher Wallace, but since readers visiting this blog may have insomnia, I thought I would share that I have finally found something that has helped my insomnia. After my negative experience with the FWS, I was thinking about how electrical stimulation made my insomnia worse. After searching around on the web a while, I came across websites talking about "earthing" or "grounding" one's self to counter the effects of electro-magnetic fields or to reconnect to the natural electrical field of the earth for balancing. It sounded pretty crazy to me, but products purchased at have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so I figured I had nothing to lose by trying (I am not necessarily recommending this one site or its products over others, but did want to point out it's guarantee policy). I read some positive reviews on Amazon that sounded genuine, so I decided to give it a try.

I purchased the cheapest option, small bands that go on your wrists or ankles. I attached it to my ankle and immediately started sleeping through the night. It is not the best sleep I have ever had, but it is light years better than anything I have had in years. I was really skeptical, but I can't deny that I haven't had any horrible insomnia since I've started using the bands. (and if you try the bands, the coiled cord is much better than the straight cord for sleeping). I am going to order the "half-sheet" and see if that offers any added benefit.

Just thought I would share!  Hope it helps someone.


  1. Thank you so much for writing this, I have terrible insomnia and I've used products similar to the Fisher Wallace and I've had minimal results I'm going to look at the earthing website right now!

  2. Dear Lisa: Thank you for writing. I am so glad you did because I need to update this. The benefits from earthing did not last very long. However, what I have more recently determined is that I have very low cortisol. Apparently this leads to high adrenaline which can cause the insomnia. And the FWS is advertised to lower cortisol! So that makes sense as to why it made my insomnia worse. Taking cortisol supplements has helped me sleep through the night--amazing! but the dosage is tricky. I would recommend you read a little about adrenal fatigue on websites such as Dr. Lam and Stop The Thyroid Madness, and if it sounds like it might be something you are dealing with, find a doctor who uses cortisol saliva testing. I will blog about it soon but wanted to get you this information.
