I was reading last night about electromagnetic fields and, among other medical conditions, insomnia. While it appears that the medical jury is still out on the topic of electromagnetic fields and health impacts, even the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, Inc., which seems like a pretty mainstream organization, has information on it. Their website states the following:
"Because epidemiologic studies have raised concerns regarding the connection between certain serious human health effects and exposure to electric and magnetic fields, the program adopts the hypothesis that exposure to electric or magnetic fields under some conditions may lead to unacceptable risk to human health. The focus of the program is not only to test (as far as possible within the statutory time limits) that hypothesis for those serious health effects already identified, but to identify, as far as possible, the special conditions that lead to elevated risk, and to recommend measures to manage risk."This sounds like a smart application of the Precautionary Principle. Their website has information on how to test for and minimize exposure to EMF, as do many others.
After I read this, I was wondering whether the FWS increases EMF exposure (that might seem obvious, but I don't have a scientific bone in my body) and what that might mean for people using the FWS who are sensitive to EMF (or others).
I would love to hear from anyone who has tested their home for EMF, installed products meant to shield people from EMF, removed certain products from their home, or has any other concrete experience with EMF and health symptoms.
Hi, I am searching for answers on the same question about the FWS. I can share this resource and say that from what I've heard from multiple sources, the science unfortunately says firmly that EMF's are not safe. Thousands of studies have prove this (links to cancer, infertility/low sperm count, insomnia, low platelet count...) but in the U.S. we are censored from hearing about the proven risks. Good luck! There are also great acupressure points (100 Meeting Point, 3rd Eye, Sea of Tranquility) which probably have similar effects to the FWS, especially if you spent several minutes twice a day holding them